Spotted: at Oakland's First Fridays street fair
Occupation: Entertainer
What do you do for fun?
I hang out with friends. I go for walks in the park. I live in San Francisco so there's like, unlimited things to do.
What are you up to today?
I'm at an art exhibit and am exhibited as the art piece because I am painted.
Tell me about your artist!
His name is Rick Salas. I was at Pride on June 29th—two days before my birthday—and I was wearing a dope ass tiger outfit and this hat and he wanted to paint me and I said okay. So he painted me and then he got my information because he thought I would be a good model for his work.
How did you guys decide to come to First Friday today?
He knew about it and I thought it sounded like a cool event. He's a really genuine, cool person so I thought, "Why not? I trust this person so, yeah."
And you feel comfortable in this outfit?
Oh yeah. I'm an entertainer so I'm used to wearing little clothing. I feel comfortable in pasties and little boy shorts underwear.
What are you doing after the event?
I hope to get to bed by midnight so that I can go to work at 11 am tomorrow. I have a crush on my boss, so I like to be on time. He's a hot boss.
When was the last time you said "I love you" and meant it?
Probably this morning at 9 am to my mom when she called me and I was still asleep and I was like, "Mom, I went to bed at 4am. I love you. Can I call you later?" She said, "Oh, you went to bed at 4 am? Oh, I understand! What were you doing? You weren't doing coke were you?" I said, "No! I wasn't doing coke. I hate coke." And she said "okay, I'll talk to you later." And I said, "I love you," and she said, "I love you too." Because she's an amazing mother. Shout out to moms!
Where did you get your glasses?
I got them at this store on Haight Street. I actually have contacts that I wear everyday because I have terrible vision (and I prefer to wear contacts), but I got these on Haight for $7 the other day. My friend Shane bought them for me.
Where did you get your necklace?
I got my necklace at TJ Max like, four years ago. I take care of all my stuff so it lasts forever!
What is your favorite part about the bay area?
You get everything! You drive two hours east and you have waterfalls and rivers and hot weather and then snow in the winter time—mountains and beautiful scenery. Or you can drive west and you're at the beach! Or you can be in the city. San Francisco is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. I'm very proud to live here. I have been here for almost a year now.
Where are you from?
San Jose. I was born in San Jose, but I have been in Livermore and Pleasanton. I always wanted to live in San Francisco because it was always a big destination for my family, since I was a kid. We would always spend every Christmas in San Francisco. It's the best city.
Where is your favorite place in the world?
I have been to Paris and I loved it a lot. I went there with my boyfriend and we were in love. We were together for two months before we went there. We were 22 at the time. It was so romantic. I loved it.
I almost kind of prefer the more tropical places. I like hot water. I like swimming in hot water and I like the jungle. So probably Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. It's where "Predator" was filmed. It's like the jungle right on the ocean. There's snorkeling and everything. The people are so nice too.
Are you still with the Paris boyfriend?
No. We broke up three years ago. I broke his heart. [You heartbreaker!] Yeah. I have karma in it because no one wants to truly date me since. Nobody that I really want to be with. But it's okay, I'll find my true love someday. I have a soul mate, I already met him. I saw him last night, randomly and I have been smiling non-stop ever since. We have known each other for three and a half years—since I broke up with the other guy— and he's originally from Paris. He's my soulmate and his name is Tony.
Juliet's art is done by Rick Salas. If you're interested in his work, check him out at facebook.com/salasart. Interested in becoming an art piece? Email Rick at: ricksalasgallery@gmail.com